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Travel risk assessment

Use this service to arrange travel vaccinations and get advice for your upcoming trip abroad.

To help the travel nurses to assess your needs, it is important that you fill out this form before your appointment.

You can only use this service if you are registered at the surgery.

Before you start

Important information regarding our travel service – Please read before completing the pre- travel risk assessment.

  • Travel appointment slots are very popular and get booked up very quickly, we ask that the pre- travel assessment is completed (one per traveller) and sent back at least 6-8 weeks prior to planned travel, this will enable the practice nurse to review and consider appropriate action and arrange a travel appointment as indicated. Please note- due to appointment capacity and vaccination schedules / timing- It may be in some instances that patients may need to seek advice and vaccines from a private travel clinic if they have not booked within a reasonable time frame.
  • We are only able to provide a limited travel service and can only supply travel vaccines that are sourced via the NHS, such as Hepatitis A, Typhoid and Tetanus, if other chargeable vaccinations, such as Rabies, Japanese encephalitis, Hepatitis B or yellow fever are identified as a consideration from your travel consultation, these will need to be sourced elsewhere from a pharmacy (who provide travel services) or a private travel clinic. The same principle applies for anti-malarial medication, as these require individuals to purchase these, they are not available on an NHS prescription, these will also need to be purchased from an alternative provider, as indicated above.
  • Further information regarding travel advice and support can be found here-

Home – Fit for Travel

Malaria – Fit for Travel


Travel vaccination advice – NHS

Foreign travel advice – GOV.UK

Travel Health Advice Leaflet

  • If you require a record of your vaccination history, please contact the reception team on 01980 622474.
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